At TomTom, it's all about innovation. For years, they've been hosting the 'What The Hack' hackathon, where employees can turn their brilliant ideas into tangible products. Since our successful organization of the virtual edition in 2021, TomTom hasn't looked back. You can read all about it in this case!
The hackathon in brief
TomTom's hackathon is a company-wide, bottom-up innovation program. It provides TomTom employees with the time and space to collaborate with colleagues and turn ideas into proof of concepts during the hack week. At an unforgettable final showcase, organized by FX, teams present their best ideas to the jury..
Turning in-person into virtual
In 2021, we had the opportunity to organize the hackathon for TomTom for the first time. However, what was supposed to be an in-person event in Ghent turned into a virtual happening due to sudden COVID-19 measures. Within a few weeks, we transformed the entire concept into a digital show, perfectly aligned with the theme. Our aim was to convey the same atmosphere but in an online setting.
A successful collaboration
The success in 2021 laid the foundation for the editions of 2022 and 2023. Thanks to our virtual studio and event platform Reply.live, we can involve and connect everyone, no matter where they are. And to ensure that viewers remain truly engaged, we do what we excel at: providing a sensational experience from the very first moment.
Heading to space
This gives us the opportunity to elevate the hackathon to new heights every year. Literally. For instance, with Take the Space, we gave the 2022 edition a space-themed twist, and with The Matrix in 2023, we took it a step further, where the 'launch' depended on the correct answers from an interactive quiz.
Flamethrowers and smoke cannons
One hundred people from all corners of the world came together to admire the virtual spectacle. With a DJ on a rotating booth, special Matrix glasses, digital fireworks complete with flamethrowers and smoke cannons, we created an inspiring setting where participants could present their creative ideas. And months later, people are still talking about it.
The backbone of the company
With over 1,300 participants and 250 ideas in the past three years, TomTom's hackathon has become the backbone of the company. And that inspires us to keep innovating as well. By upgrading our virtual studio, adding new elements, and introducing new approaches, we continue to ensure a high level of engagement and enthusiasm.
And that's something we're proud of!