Webinar Series


How do you show your own customers, but also entrepreneurs, that you have the expertise and knowledge to help them with all their pressing questions in times of economic uncertainty? Together with Flynth we organized the "Wednesday Webinar". For six weeks in a row, every Wednesday a new webinar with a unique theme, different guests and the opportunity for viewers to ask questions live.

Wednesday Webinar

A webinar is a perfect way to share knowledge, discuss current topics and to get in touch with (potential) customers. COVID-19 has brought economic uncertainty to many entrepreneurs. Flynth noticed this among its own customers and quickly responded to this by organizing a series of webinars that answered pressing questions from entrepreneurs. Flynth asked us to organize a series of webinars according to the guidelines of the RIVM at short notice. We provided the location, technology, program, content and interaction.

Content, program and guidance

The webinar is recorded in our own FX Studio. Of course we have provided a suitable decor, clear program and guidance from the studio by our own 'showcallers'. This ensures that speakers are well prepared and that all transitions between content and speakers run smoothly.

To give the webinar a professional look and feel, we made bumper videos that serve as a transition between different elements of the program. We also designed the presentations and helped speakers with the preparations. The result is a webinar with strong content and a professional look.

Interaction with the audience

The advantage of a webinar is that live interaction with the audience is possible. In this case we set up interaction through our own in-house developed event application, reply.live. Viewers could ask questions live to the host and guests via a 'second screen' (mobile). For online events, it is important to interact with the audience regularly, this way you keep them involved.

This webinar series is a perfect example of a professional webinar that responds to a current topic with the possibility to interact with the viewers. This way you can start a conversation with your customers. In a short period of time, we have created a format for the webinar series for Flynth.

Anouk Vlasman - Projectmanager FX Agency